It has been years since I have been a practicing Catholic. The sexual abuse scandal rocked me off my feet. I belatedly realize that my youngest brother, who is now dead, was probably sexually abused as he served as an altar boy. Then when the bishops were verbally abusive to the nuns, that really upset me. I feel they are the only ones actually living out Christ’s message. Years ago, I reconciled my use of contraception as an act of conscience granted to me through Vatican II. I was upset at the church’s promotion of the Republican party and all it stood for, instead of minding its own business and working to help the poor and the needy. I have felt that the male church power system is obsessed with sex (abuse, contraception, abortion, homosexuality) and they should concentrate more of their energy in helping their parish families. The Catholic church would benefit from women being allowed to take their rightful place in position of power. I think celibacy has been a scourge on the Catholic Church, and married priests would be a benefit to married couples who need models. Guess I’ve hit all the hot-button issues, haven’t I?

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