I have not left the Church entirely, but don’t go to Mass every Sunday anymore. I do not like being discriminated against because I am a woman, especially in my place of worship. My decision stems from the decision of my parish priest a few years ago that only men and boys could have their feet washed on Holy Thursday – a retrograde step as it had happened before that. I dislike the way women are treated – expected to provide the clean linens, sparkle the vessels, prepare the altar, but stay away from the deaconate and other duties. I also dislike the changed language of the Mass – having lived through the Latin, the first change into the vernacular, the second and now the third again. I have friends who are priests in the Anglican and Methodist Churches – wonderful women, and I grieve that a good friend of mine who is a Catholic theologian and felt called to the priesthood, could never become one. After our battle when I lived in another town more than 20 years ago, to have women and men have their feet washed, the priest accepted the change and she was one of the women chosen. As he washed her feet, a feather drifted down from the rafters into my hands – a symbol I felt of acceptance and love. So, where to now?

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