Dear All,

This is not an Asian problem. The Asian bishops articulated a Vision of the Church for Asia as a co-responsible Church, A communion of communities where laity and clergy take responsibility for the Mission of the Church.

In places where there is priest shortage the leaders of the community keep the faith community alive and active by providing cathechesis, Eucharist service and breaking of the Word every Sunday. They conduct Baptisms, witness marriages, give communion to the sick and when the priest is available the Eucharist is consecrated, and hears confessions, the bishop comes for Confirmation. The important fact is that the community is kept alive in the practice of the faith in the community.

I know there was an attempt to suppress the Small christian Community, since I left the FABC I am not sure what the position is now. But for sure the community leaders continue to lead their communities with the support of their bishops.

Bishop Fritz Lobinger of South Africa had suggested ordaining community priests – men and women, calling them community priest. With the support of Missio Germany, we had a meeting in Belgium in 2006 to discuss making a proposal to this effect to Pope Benedict, but I do not think it ever happened as the Church only got progressively conservative.

I think Asia would go along with the suggestion of community priests and the strengthening of the SCC which many bishops’ conferences already declared to be their pastoral priority, and much work has been done to train the faithful in this direction.
I think many bishops’ conferences in Africa also would go along with the community priests.{jcomments on}

Clyde (USA) 7 September 2015


Thank you. That’s very helpful.

You say “I think many bishops’ conferences in Africa also would go along with the community priests.”

Do you think these bishops conferences would take the initiative and make a proposal for community priests to Pope Francis?